Public Participation

Independent Electoral Commission Integration with Dannhauser LM

The municipality’s political administration takes into cognizance the upcoming National Independent Elections to be held between May 2019 and August 2019, date to still be confirmed by the IEC South Africa. According to the IEC’s Strategic Plan 2014/15 to 2018/19; “Programme.2 – Electoral Operations,” the municipality has provided operational space to the IEC Officials who have been deployed by their Head Office. This is to enhance ease of access to those who seek to register for voting.

Programme 2: Electoral Operations

Overall Programme Purpose

Programme 2 focuses on the strategic goal of achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda by striving for excellence at voting station level; ensuring accessibility and suitability of voting facilities and processes; managing results; maximising electoral justice for all stakeholders in the electoral process; enhancing the credibility of the voters’ roll; ensuring compliance with legal prescripts; and continuously improving the legislative framework. This programme also focuses on the strategic goal of strengthening a cooperative relationship with political parties by deepening interactions with represented and unrepresented political parties and independent candidates; convening consultative forums with registered political parties; processing nomination of candidates for various electoral events; administering party registration processes; and disbursement of allocations from the Represented Political Parties Fund.