This department is an engine of the Municipality, as it is responsible for support services to other municipal departments. Corporate Services also provides effective administration to Council and supports the legislative and executive functions of the Council.
Units and Roles
1.Human Resources
The Human Resources Unit is responsible for overall human capital management, including the following:
Recruitment and Selection;
Ensuring compliance with Labour legislation;
Personnel record keeping;
Employment Equity matters;
Occupational Health and Safety;
Skills Development;
Payroll matters;
Job Evaluation matters and
Labour Relations.
2.Records Management
Records Management, through the proper control of the content, storage and volume of records, reduces vulnerability to legal challenge or financial loss and promotes best value in terms of human and space resources through greater coordination of information and storage systems. Appropriate records management is vital as it enables the Municipality to:
find the right information easily and comprehensively;
ensure the conduct of business in an orderly, efficient and accountable manner;
ensure consistency in services delivery;
support and document policy formulation and administrative decision-making;
provide continuity in the event of a disaster and
protect its interests and the rights of employees, community and present and future stakeholders.
3.Administrative and Council Support (Public Participation)
This Unit supports all the Council structures with secretariat services. It therefore:
Generates Council minutes and agenda and ensures maintenance of the Council Resolution Register;
Deals with matters of Council Committees, for example, coordination of meetings and Council administrative matters and
Keeps records for all Council related matters.
Ward Committees functionality
Stakeholder engagement
Traditional Leadership participation on council matters
4. Information and Communication Technology
ICT unitâs performance makes or breaks the operations of the Municipality both in service delivery and administration. In this regard, the duty of the department is the provision of responsive, effective and efficient ICT services at all times.
The Unit is responsible for the following:
ICT Governance;
Servers, file services and storage;
Networking (LAN and WAN);
Website design and maintenance;
Anti-virus and security;
Desktop hardware and software (acquisition, maintenance and support);
Network and Desktop printing;
Internet and email services;
Administrative systems support (such as financial and payroll systems) and
End user support and training.
5. Legal Services Unit
The Unit is responsible for the following:
Legal Advice and Guidance;
Legal Risks management;
Preliminary investigations;
Ensuring Legal Compliance and monitoring;
Contracts Management;
Compilation of Statistics and Records of all Labour Matters;
Drafting and review of ByâLaws;
Development and Review of Policies;
Attending to all legal matters.
6.Security Service
The unit ensure the safety and security of all employees, municipal properties and council member.
The security services provide the following
VIP protection for Political office bearers.
The municipal facilities security
Conduct threat and risks assessments
7.Fleet Management
The fleet management is responsible for the proper maintenance of municipal fleet looking on the following activities:
Repairs and maintenance
Accident reporting and assessments.
Asset disposal report for fleet (Worthy Certificates)
The fleet management also monitors the messenger service of the municipality
8.Property/ Facilities management
The unit deals more objectively with the cleaning of municipal properties, contractual agreements on all municipal properties, maintenance of facilities (repairs and renovations through Technical Services). Ensure the full compliance with OHS in all the municipal properties and accommodation of people living with disability.
All the mentioned Units collectively contribute to the efficient and effective functioning of the Municipality towards the achievement of its set objectives.